A lot of people get stressed out about how much to spend on a kid’s birthday gift. But there’s no need to break the bank – a few simple tips can help you find the perfect present without spending a fortune.
How Much Should I Spend on My Child’s Gift?
When it comes to spending on a kid’s birthday gift, there is no definitive answer. It really depends on your budget and what the child would like. However, there are some general guidelines you can follow to make sure you don’t overspend.
One suggestion is to set a limit of around $100 for your own child. This will allow you plenty of spending money to get toys, clothing, and books. Another thing to keep in mind is that kids often just want simple things for their birthdays. So instead of buying an expensive toy or game, consider getting them something they can use, like a new outfit or book.
You also want to consider how much you are spending on their birthday party. A recent survey suggests that, on average, parents spend roughly $400 on a child’s birthday party. If that number is out of your budget, you could instead spend money on an experience for your child, such as a trip to the zoo.
How Much Should I Spend on Another Child’s Birthday Gift?
Many experts agree that spending around $25 on another child’s gift is an acceptable budget. Anywhere from $20 to $30 is a great budget range for another child’s gift, and it will give you a great opportunity to purchase a STEM kit, sports game, or board game for endless fun!
If the child is the child of a close friend or relative, you can increase the budget to $100; just be sure to find out more specifically what the child wants.
When it comes down to it, it’s the thought that counts, so there really is no “right” amount to spend on a child’s birthday gift.
Invest in Your Child’s Birthday at Elevate Trampoline Park
At Elevate indoor trampoline park, we offer two different party packages to fit your budget that are great for kids’ birthday parties! Our Bounce Party Birthday Package is $289 Monday-Thursday and $339 Friday- Sunday. This package includes:
- 10 party guests (including the guest of honor)
- 2 hours of party time
- Free 1-hour jump pass for the Guest of Honor
- Reserved party room
- (2) Large 1-topping pizzas
- 10 bottles of water
- Colored plates, table cloths, and utensils
Our Super Fly Party Birthday Package is $450 Monday-Thursday and $550 Friday-Sunday. This package includes:
- 20 party guests (including the guest of honor)
- 2 hours of party time
- Free 1-hour jump pass for the Guest of Honor
- Reserved party room
- (4) Large 1-topping pizzas
- 20 bottles of water
- Colored plates, tablecloths, and utensils
We also offer party extras and a full park buyout for larger groups! Our packages offer great value and are a budget-friendly way to host your kid’s birthday party. Contact us today to learn more!